Arizona Department of Homeland Security

Arizona Department of Homeland Security

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Public Records Requests

  1. All requests for public records should be submitted in writing or online.  Requests may be submitted in any of the following ways:
    1. Online: Public Records Request Form (link below)
    2. Mail:  Arizona Department of Homeland Security 
                 1802 West Jackson Street, #117 
                 Phoenix, AZ 85007
  2. Once ALL of the requested information has been compiled, an invoice will be sent to the requestor via USPS mail or e-mail.
  3. When payment, in the form of a money order or check is received the records will be processed for release to the requester.
  4. The requester will receive a second invoice for the actual cost of postage for requests in excess of 100 pages.  
  5. In accordance with ARS § 39-121, public records may be reviewed prior to purchase or copying.  In order to view records, please submit a Public Records Request.  You will be contacted to schedule an appointment.
  6. Requests are processed in the order they are received, some records may take longer than others to process.
  7. Please allow 15 to 20 business days for your request to be processed. Please do not call to check the status until 20 business days after your request was submitted.  Requests in excess of 100 pages may require additional processing time.  
  8. Fee Schedule 
    1. Copies:  $0.25 per page
    2. CD / DVD:  $25.00 (When available, electronic records will be provided upon request.)